Original Thinkers, Ghost Stories, and Staying Sane This Election Season

Hello everyone!

I hope you are finding something to help you cope with the whiplash of this election season. I’m sorry that I have been so quiet—I’ve been winding down on my book tour and hurtling into the next book project. So here is my news…

I’m just back from a trip to Telluride where I participated in Original Thinkers, a festival like no other. If you ever have an occasion to join this gathering, please do. It’s so good! This year was focused on community cohesion and unity. Whatever happens after November 5, we’ll need to figure out how to live, work, find joy in our cities, towns, and neighborhoods. This year’s Original Thinkers brought together experts to help navigate local issues and the ongoing breakdown in trust. A few suggestions to consider: Make sure your libraries have a rich collection of diverse children’s books—all kids need to see themselves in their literature; join a club, whether Rotary or a bowling league, and build various connections and bonds; get 10 percent better in math, so you might better grasp head-spinning algorithms or dizzying weather statistics that we are all at the mercy of today. (To understand the impacts of our collective loss of math skills, consider hosting a screening of Counted Out in your community.) Finally, make sure you remain involved in (or seek out) opportunities that bring you happiness. 

Here's what is keeping me sane and joyful—my book project! I’ve been exploring haunted places, history, and ghost stories. I recently visited Uravan, Colorado, an old uranium mining town—now literally buried, because it was a Superfund Site—where the sound of children’s laughter is still heard by visitors. I popped into the Cokeville (Wyoming) Library where locals believe that the ghosts of dead family members helped elementary school children survive a giant blast. And I’ve taken numerous trips to a favorite town, Butte, Montana, where I had two of my own ghostly encounters—more on that in my upcoming book…

A couple more tidbits:

  • One year ago this month, True West was released. What a great year. Thank you all for your support and for coming out to one of the dozens of events. Here is one of my favorite reviews.

  • True West is now out on Audiobooks. I feel that the narrator, Rebecca Gallager at Tantor Media, did a good job. It was fun to listen to while traveling for book research.

  • Shout out to new subscribers! We added a whole slew of you this week—thank you everyone.

  • I’m speaking at One Book Billings on Nov 9th, at 1:00 pm—in the Billings Library Community Room. I’d love to see you!

  • The Bellingham Symphony Orchestra, in partnership with Village Books, is hosting a book club concert inspired by True West. How cool is that?!? According to their announcement: “The book for the season’s second concert, Americana, on November 26, is True West by Betsy Gaines Quammen. This concert is about music from the Americas, exploring John Williams' Cowboys Overture, guest soloist Jeff Midkiff's Mandolin Concerto “From the Blue Ridge,” Copland's Appalachian Spring, and Ginastera's Four Dances From Estancia. True West examines the myths of the West and allows concertgoers to listen to this music with a fresh approach, taking into consideration varying perspectives.”

  • WildEarth Guardians, my beloved conservation organization on whose board I serve, was part of an NPR story last week on wolves, grizzlies and the bloodlust of a government division called “Animal Services.” The Guardians do such important work to protect our lands, waters, and wildlife. Here is an excerpt from the piece: “’One of the biggest issues that comes up with Wildlife Services, and where we've beaten them in court multiple times in multiple states, is the controversy of the science,’ said Lizzy Pennock, an attorney for the nonprofit WildEarth Guardians. ‘We need to get out of the framework of the 1800s and 1900s where it's like, kill any carnivores that might be inconvenient.’ Wildlife Services officials say that with the exception of invasive species, employees only kill wild animals that attack livestock or cause damage. But data obtained by NPR indicates the program often kills native wildlife that didn’t kill or injure livestock.”

Finally… Everyone, hang in there. This is a very nerve-wracking time. We will figure out how to be okay no matter what happens on November 5, and I’m hopeful some sanity will prevail. In the meantime, be curious, advocate, love your community, and cherish your public lands. Also, vote.

Very warmly,


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After the Election: Grief, Solidarity, and Moving Ahead Together


Finding Focus and Balance in Turbulent Times